CL’s ‘Likha’ braves storms, earns P33-M

    CABANATUAN CITY – After the storm, the good news.

    Despite the calamities that plagued the nation from the last part of September to early October, small and medium enterprises in Central Luzon showed their mettle, having recorded the total sales of P32.6 million during the Likha ng Central Luzon 2009 Trade Fair in Megamall, a ranking trade official reported over the weekend.

    Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) provincial director Brigida Pili of Nueva Ecija, said the amount could “somehow be smaller than targeted” but can be “considered excellent considering the weather conditions those days.”

    The trade fair where different lines of products, from processed food to jewelries and clothing were displayed, was held from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4 at Megamall when heavy downpour spawned by Typhoons “Ondoy” and “Pepeng” flooded Metro Manila and Northern Luzon areas.

    The same activity recorded a sale of P54.6 million in 2008.

    “Our SMEs decided to push through with the activity despite the adverse weather condition since they look at the trade fair as their day after a year-round of concerted effort by various agencies to upgrade their products and marketing,” Pili said during the Kapihan sa DTI here.

    Pili was especially elated that this year’s LCL turned to be another banner year for Nueva Ecija after it gained the highest sale at P11,577,171 or 35% of the total gross sale of P32,623,510.

    Of the figure, the cash sale was P879,341, booked was P 9,490,370 and under negotiation was pegged at P1,207,460.

    Welness food, particularly brown rice, produced by Better Country Community of Gapan City topped the sale, records showed. It was followed by handicrafts from Casamoda, also of Nueva Ecija.

    Nueva Ecija was followed by Pampanga in total sales having registered a total of P9,280,461.50; Bulacan which displayed a bulk of high-end fashion designs was next with P8,354,049; Bataan, P1,427,293; Aurora, P1,009,927; Tarlac, P801,222; and Zambales, P173,387.

    Bulacan the record showed, bested the cash sale at P1.6 million followed by Pampanga with P1.4 million.

    DTI Regional Director Blesila Lantayona has said the LCL is an effort to open the market for Central Luzon products and strengthen SMEs from the countryside.


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