CLARK FREEPORT— Enhancing firefighting skills and private sector mobilization prevents large fires in the Philippines.
This was the message of Clark Development Corp. pre4sident and CEO Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera during the opening rites of the 2025 National Fire Olympics slated March 25-27, at the Clark Parade Grounds here.
Speaking before hundreds of firefighters from all regions of the country, Devanadera said that despite a lack of sophisticated equipment, firefighters in the Philippines are successful in preventing fires from progressing to big ones.
The former Department of Interior and Local Government undersecretary for legal and president of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines credited such successful operations to the dedication and physical capabilities of the Filipino firemen.
“You are on the right track in organizing these national firefighting competitions to focus on aspects of human resource development despite our lack of resources,” Devanadera said.
According to the CDC chief, the significance of focusing on the dedication and physical capabilities of Filipino firefighters, plus their resolve and energy to mobilize the citizens, resulted in a successful reduction of fire incidents.
Devanadera cited as an example those big recent fires in other countries, such as those in the Palisades, California despite their sophisticated tracking and firefighting equipment.
Seventeen regions of the Philippines participated in the Ninth National Fire Competition, carrying the theme “Burn Bright, Shine Strong.” CDC-PR