Civil disobedience mulled to force closure of piggeries


    ANGELES CITY – The Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement (PGKM) has vowed to lead a civil disobedience campaign against the Porac municipal government due to its “abject failure” to close down foul-emitting piggeries in Barangays Sta. Cruz and Manibaug Paralaya.

    Disclosing this to Punto yesterday, PGKM Chairman Ruperto “Perto” Cruz said Porac Mayor Roger Santos had failed to protect the welfare of his people by allowing the ”continuing obnoxious operations” of at least five huge piggeries which “pose a clear and present danger to the health, and the very lives of the residents.”

    Cruz cited international studies saying  prolong exposure to foul smell emitted by piggeries could cause cancer, tuberculosis, respiratory and skin ailments and other deadly diseases.  

    Cruz said the civil disobedience campaign will cover the non-payment of taxes, “from business taxes, to mayor’s permits and even cedulas as a strong protest against the Porac government’s abrogation of its sworn duties to protect its citizens.”. 

    “We plan to do it (civil disobedience) by January next year with the businesses renewing their permits to show Santos, the town council and the barangay captains the intensity of our efforts. We give them the choice: the taxes from the piggeries or what they would lose from the greater number of businesses and residents with our affirmative action to put on hold the payment of our taxes,” said Cruz.

    Santos had failed to issue any statement in reaction to the PGKM call as of press time. 
    Cruz lashed at Santos for releasing statements that piggeries in Porac could be relocated only after at three years. The PGKM, along with the Kilusan Kontra Amoy and the Damayan environmental group has remained steadfast in its stand of the piggeries relocation “within six months to one year.”

    “Why wait for three years to relocate them when they have caused miseries to the people for many years already? The mayor should give us five good reasons for allowing their continued existence,” Cruz dared Santos. He added that “he could not understand why the mayor had wanted them to stay longer when some piggery owners want to transfer within a year.”

    No plans

    Cruz said Santos “had no development plans for Porac,” Worse, he added, his decision to give a “long grace period to piggeries is anti-development and anti-progress.”
    “What investor in his right mind would be drawn to put his millions into a place that is reeking in stench, especially the tourist-oriented establishments? Why, even overseas Filipino workers, even if from Porac, would think thrice before considering to build the house of their dreams there,” Cruz said. “That is economic opportunities lost, simply because the Porac leadership lacks any sense of development.”

    Cruz assailed what he said is the “utak balas” mentality of the Porac local government. “It could not think far above the sand quarries to envision a grand development plan for the town.”

    “All the mayor wants is for quarrying to flourish and nothing else,” said Cruz. He added that the “a real dedicated public servant should make his town a haven for investors and one which could provide decent and abundant employment, and a pure, clean, health environment.”

     Cruz said Santos had failed to protect the interest of major investors in Porac which provide taxes and jobs.

     The PGKM chairman said the municipal officials led by Santos “sorely lack the vision and competence” to make Porac a truly progressive town.


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