Home Headlines CIAC scores 95% performance rating

CIAC scores 95% performance rating


CLARK FREEPORT ZONE (CIAC-CCO, 03 October 2023)⸺The Clark International Airport Corp. obtained an overall score of 95.17 percent following a validation of its 2022 Performance Scorecard by the Governance Commission for Government Owned or Controlled Corporations (GCG).

The rating was transmitted to Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista through a letter signed by GCG Chairperson Marius Corpus and Commissioners Brian Keith Hosaka and Geraldine Marie Berberabe-Martinez.

The DOTr sent the information to the CIAC as it exercises policy and operational supervision over the government-run aviation firm.

“The outstanding rating is GCG’s reward for competence and dedication, largely due to the guidance of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority and the DOTr,” CIAC President Arrey Perez said.

The results of GCG’s evaluation referred to the revenues and employment from locators generated by the CIAC, number of lease agreements, customer satisfaction, and the manner of implementation of airport infrastructure projects, Perez added.

The regulatory body also assessed CIAC’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), budget utilization rate, the retention of its ISO Certification, the development of new normal initiatives, and the development of the CIAC Barcoding System.

The GCG evaluates state-run firms through the Performance Evaluation System which provides the framework for setting the organizational targets of a GOCC which also serves as basis for determining the grant of performance-based incentives for employees.

Perez said the CIAC continues to strengthen its commercial, engineering and corporate management teams to develop a globally-competitive service and logistics center at the aviation complex surrounding the Clark International Airport.

CIAC exercises regulatory supervision and oversight of activities occurring within the civil aviation complex, including the privately-run Clark International Airport.


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