Christmas comes dazzling at Mimosa Clark


    It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year as Mimosa Montevista unveiled long list of exciting Christmas and New Year events last December 1 during Christmas Lighting commencement ceremony witnessed by Clark Development Corporation (CDC) president, board of directors, employees, business partners, locators and media friends.

    This intimate gathering genuinely showed how Mimosa profoundly and creatively prepares the holiday season to provide extraordinary experience for hotel guests and members.

    “We have a lot of reasons why we should visit Mimosa particularly this time of the year not to mention the annual New Year count down dubbed as “Twelve” which stands for Time,Wealth,Love.

    Together with Mimosa department heads and employees, we are eager to give each one of you a memorable Merry Christmas and Happy New year” mentioned by the well known Atty. Restituto Capulong Mimosa general manager during his welcome remarks.

    As we felt the evening breeze and sniveled the hot “tsokolate” and native rice cake “kakanin” prepared on the buffet table, guests were even more delighted by the most touching speech delivered by the favorite CDC president Atty. Felipe Remollo, as he shared.

    “During Christmas we celebrate the birth of our savior, it is not commercialism, its time for love, for family, peace, promise, sharing and time to get together.

    That’s why in Clark I encourage all employees, locators and their families to unite and celebrate together even just for one day every Christmas we get together with families and celebrate as one. I hope we can start this year and eventually maybe and hopefully make Clark as a Christmas City or destination.

    I have a lot of future plans and project for Clark many investors coming in who will pour in big investments. So there are lot of things to do, many positive things to look forward to and many blessings to be thankful for as well” 

    After the symbolic lighting ceremony lead by Atty. Remollo, Atty. Capulong and  Mimosa head of sales and marketing ever gorgeous Edith Pastoral, the whole Mimosa recreation and parking areas were all lighted and festive with numerous Christmas lights, lanterns and Christmas tree, followed by firework display, and blessing of Belen and Ginger Bread House. 

    For further details on Christmas and New Year events and promos please call (045) 599-7000.


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