CDC workers’ union threatens mass strike

    CLARK FREEPORT – The Association of Concerned Clark Development Corp. (CDC) Employees or ACCES is threatening to hold a mass strike that will paralyze the operations of the state-run firm after a “yes to strike” vote won in the union’s just concluded assembly.

    On Monday, a union member confirmed the impending strike saying it could happen “anytime now.”

    The union is appealing to the CDC management to honor their collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

    ACCES president Paul Mamangun said in published reports that the CDC has “taken away all their benefits” leaving them no other recourse but to go on strike.

    But CDC communications manager Noel G. Tulabut said, “ACCES officers have been told many times over that CDC’s arms, as a government corporation, are tied by certain prohibitions imposed by new laws and rules against new economic benefits.”

    Tulabut said, “While it is everyone’s goal for better economic status, we are duty bound to uphold certain rules.”

    On the threat to paralyze CDC operations, Tulabut said management is “saddened” by this threat.

    “CDC’s mandate is to bring about jobs and livelihood. Mr. Manankil (CDC president) has appealed to all employees that we should all continue to serve the 90,000 plus employees and 850 locators. To threaten to cause disruptions and worse, paralysis in CDC and Clark, will be a great disservice to Clark’s major stakeholders, especially to the workers and locators,” the CDC statement issued by Tulabut said.


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