CDC to implement Clark Green Building Manual

    CLARK FREEPORT – To ensure the increased efficiency in the use of resources such as power, water and other elements in existing and new buildings here, the Clark Development Corp. (CDC) is set to implement the Clark Green Building Manual.

    CDC’s Clark Green Building Manual (CGBM) is focused on developing and implementing green building regulations in the Clark Freeport Zone that aims to maximize energy efficiency while minimizing the impact of energy usage on human health and the environment here.

    The CDC said the CGBM will be implemented in hotels, malls, offices, residential condominiums, schools, hospitals, factories and mixed occupancies in the areas covered by the Freeport.

    Based on the rules and regulations of the CGBM, Green building is defined as an integrated whole-building approach to the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of buildings and their surrounding landscape that help mitigate the environmental, economic and social impacts of buildings through the following: site conservation and sustainable planning, water conservation and efficiency, energy efficiency and renewable energy; conservation of materials and resources, and improved indoor environmental quality and human health.

    Green building measures include energy efficiency, water efficiency, materials sustainability, solid waste management, site sustainability and indoor environmental quality.

    CGBM will adopt efficient practices, designs, methods and technology that will reduce power consumption resulting in cost savings as well as reduced consumption of non-renewable energy in three areas – Building Envelope, Efficiency in Mechanical System, and Efficiency in Electrical System.

    The CDC said the project will also adopt water efficient measures such as water-efficient fittings, rain water-harvesting and water recycling for cooling towers.

    On material sustainability, CGBM requires locators to comply on matters related to resource efficiency and material use and selection with least impact on the environment.

    Paints, coatings, adhesives and sealants used indoors or non-ventilated areas shall not contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) or should be within levels tolerable to humans.

    It is also set that composite wood shall not have urea formaldehyde content.

    All other materials containing chemicals used in construction shall not compromise the health and safety of the workers and occupants of the building, the CDC said.

    The project also requires stakeholders the adoption of efficient waste management practices and use of materials that are environment friendly and locally available.

    Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) requires the adoption of design, construction and operation practices that take into consideration the improvement of the occupant’s health, productivity, safety and quality of life such as setting designated smoking and pantry areas or areas for staff dining.

    On site sustainability, CGBM requires the stakeholders to submit a plan for site protection before the start of construction. A minimum of 50 percent of the required Unpaved Surface Area (USA) shall be vegetated.

    Parking slots shall be done using grass pavers and vertical gardens shall be installed on blank walls.

    CGBM also encourages the locators, residents and other stakeholders to make use of natural light to illuminate buildings here during daytime.


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