CLARK FREEPORT – The Clark Development Corporation is set to enhance its business processes and services to further improve the investment climate and global competitiveness of this Freeport.
This was gleaned during the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) General Membership Meeting, where CDC President and CEO Agnes VST Devanadera was invited as the guest speaker.
In her speech, Devanadera said that the state-owned firm is currently in the process of refining its internal procedures to strengthen the ‘ease of doing business’ in Clark.
“We are into automating and streamlining our processes because I know your experiences. We want to see the day that you will not have to go from one building to another just to secure your requirements. So, these are the things that we also try to address,” she said.
Devanadera also mentioned that the CDC will integrate modern technology into its systems in order to make necessary requirements, forms, and documents easily accessible to investors.
“What we are trying to achieve is to lessen human intervention and make the documents available online. We also hope that you will be able to easily download all the forms that you need,” she added.
Aside from this, Devandera said that the state-owned firm will strive to be more collaborative to its locators and stakeholders in order to ensure seamless and sustainable business operations within the zone.
“CDC will do the mind shift that we shouldn’t be a regulatory agency but we should be more concerned with the enhancement of your businesses. We can only grow this way if we have open lines of communication and if you can be more candid in sharing to us on how we can improve our services,” she said referring to the members of the business sector.
More developments will likewise take shape in Clark. Some of the projects that are in the pipeline include the National Museum, regional specialty hospitals, implementation of bus rapid transit system, proposed convention center, hybrid eco- park, and redevelopment of Bayanihan stalls among others.
A preferred business and tourism destination, Clark is currently home to 1,124 locator companies that employ 124, 939 workers from the adjacent communities of this Freeport.