Home Headlines CDC enters partnership with SEC

CDC enters partnership with SEC


PIONEER SEC PARTNER. CDC was recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission as one of the pioneer SEC CAMPAIGN Network Partners at the SEC 84th Founding Anniversary Celebration and Recognition Ceremony.

CLARK FREEPORT— As part of the government’s strategy of promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth and investor protection, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was recently signed between Clark Development Corporation (CDC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) during the Investor Protection Week at the SEC CAMPAIGN Network and SEC Academy Launch.

Under the agreement, both SEC and CDC agree to be partners in establishing and sustaining a Campaign Network on Investor Education and related advocacies.

PARTNERSHIP. Clark Development Corporation (CDC) represented by its Officer –In- Charge for Office of the President Engr. Mariza Mandocdoc (last row, 2nd from left) entered into a partnership with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) led by Chairman Emilio Aquino (last row, extreme right). The partnership aims to carry out the SEC Communication, Advocacy, and Network (SEC-CAN!) strategic initiative campaign. Also part of this collaboration are the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) headed by Chairman Domingo Egon Cayosa, Association of Certified Public Accountants in Public Practice (ACPAPP) represented by its President Anita Rodriguez, Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) headed by its Chairman Sec. Silvestre H. Bello III, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) led by Commissioner Prospero De Vera III, Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) led by its National President Lope L. Bato, Jr., Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) represented by its President and CEO Ramon Monzon, National Youth Commission (NYC) Chairman Ryan Enriquez, Philippine Investment Fund Association (PIFA) represented by Chairman Michael Ferrer, Financial Executives of the Philippines (FINEX) led by its President Jose Jerome Pascual III, and Department of Education (DepEd) headed by Sec. Leonor Briones.

The MOA serves as a collaboration among the agencies in carrying out the SEC Communication, Advocacy, and Network (SEC-CAN!) strategic initiative, an awareness campaign program that will highlight topics on the fundamentals of investing, financial literacy, investor protection, and investment scams.

CDC was also among the organizations recognized for being one of the pioneer SEC CAMPAIGN Network Partners at the SEC 84th Founding Anniversary Celebration and Recognition Ceremony last 20 November 2020.

With the SEC CAMPAIGN Network being one of the key deliverables and activities of the program, the SEC-CAN Project aims to raise knowledge and awareness of the public, strengthen engagement with stakeholders, and widen information dissemination. 

The said program will attain the objectives of proactive and effective investor champion, capital market catalyst, and educator that broadens investor participation, and effective dissemination of information to employees and the public.

Through this partnership with SEC, the CDC aims to create a business-friendly environment for local entrepreneurs and foreign investors who are eyeing to expand and establish new companies in the future within Clark. This project is also in line with Clark’s ease of doing business (EODB) advocacy.

The other SEC CAMPAIGN Network Partners that graced the occasion and were also awarded by SEC are Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), National Youth Commission (NYC), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), Association of Certified Public Accountants in Public Practice (ACPAPP), Financial Executives of the Philippines (FINEX), Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), Philippine Investment Fund Association (PIFA), and Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).


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