Home Headlines CDC donates printing materials to school in Zambales

CDC donates printing materials to school in Zambales


AIDING EDUCATION. The Clark Development Corporation (CDC) donated printing materials worth over P40,000 to San Marcelino Elementary School in Zambales. CDC Director Ana Liza A. Peralta (extreme right) together with CDC Assistant Vice President for External Affairs Rommel C. Narciso (2nd from left) and CDC Capacity Building Officer III Agnes L. Matias (1st from left) handed over the donations and were received by District Teachers Association President Joy M. Dado (center) and San Marcelino Elementary School Intermediate Teacher Jeany P. Valdez (2nd from right). (CDC-CD Photo)

 – The Clark Development Corporation (CDC) recently donated four units of printers and 50 reams of bond papers to the faculty and staff of San Marcelino Elementary School in Zambales as part of the ‘Clark Cares’ project under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

The said donations amounting to P40,380 will benefit about 1,147 students that are currently enrolled at the San Marcelino Elementary School for the school year 2020-2021.

This also includes 40 Indigenous People (IP) students from the United Nations Women Aeta Schools (UNWAS) satellite office.

The printing materials will provide help and support to the teachers and students of the said school due to the demand of module learning during this ‘new normal’, wherein face-to-face classes are still prohibited.

CDC Director Atty. Ana Liza A. Peralta led the turnover of donations together with CDC Assistant Vice President for External Affairs Rommel C. Narciso and CDC Capacity Building Officer III Agnes L. Matias.

The materials were received by District Teachers Association President Joy M. Dado and San Marcelino Elementary School Intermediate Teacher Jeany P. Valdez.

True to its thrust on inclusive development, the state-owned firm continuously creates projects that are beneficial to various communities not only in the Freeport but also across Central Luzon region. These include CSR programs on education and livelihood initiatives among others.


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