Home Headlines CDC continues to provide free-rides in Clark

CDC continues to provide free-rides in Clark


A HASSLE–FREE TRAVEL IN CLARK. Clark Loop buses provide free rides and assure the comfort and convenience of all commuters going to and from Clark Freeport Zone. (CDC-CD Photo)

CLARK FREEPORT— Clark Development Corporation (CDC) continuously offers free transportation for workers, residents, and stakeholders here to provide a safe and hassle-free way of going to and from this Freeport.

To ensure the safety of everyone amidst the pandemic, the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System also known as ‘Clark Loop’ was made available in order to accommodate passengers who are traveling within and outside the Freeport.

This transport system gives comfort and convenience to all commuters throughout their travel here.

The Clark Loop has seven stations strategically located along of M.A. Roxas Highway and other areas such as Clark Parade Grounds (in front of Royce Hotel), PhilExcel, Friendship Highway, Clark Global City, SM Clark, Clark International Airport and Puregold Clark.

The first trip of the Clark Loop buses starts as early as 6:00 AM and will end its journey at 9:30 PM every day. There is an interval of 15 to 20 minutes between stops and 10 minutes waiting time during rush hours to avoid delays.

Passenger Information Displays (PID) are also available to selected stations of the Clark Loop to allow passengers to monitor the buses’ current routes. These PIDs are deployed at PhilExcel, Friendship, and Clark Global City stations.

The establishment and operations of Clark Loop is in line with the ‘Build Build Build’ program of the current administration which aims to improve economic growth and infrastructure development in the country.

Meanwhile, CDC employees are also provided free rides and transportation. Through this, CDC management can guarantee the well-being of all its employees by reducing their exposure in long travels. Since the on-set of the pandemic, CDC buses and other service vehicles were also deployed to various areas for the safety and convenience of the state-owned corporation’s employees.

The free transportation was provided to all CDC employees including those in the top management, Board of Directors to make everybody safe when going to the Freeport to attend to their official functions.

Pick-up and drop-off areas for CDC employees residing in Pampanga and Tarlac provinces were also identified to ease transportation time for all CDC workers.

CDC has more than 200 vehicles that provide free transportation, not only for its employees, but also to those who are working inside the Freeport, residents, visitors and other tourists.

Standard and strict safety protocols such as one seat apart physical distancing, and wearing of face masks and face shields are also being imposed inside Clark Loop buses and other service vehicles to safeguard everyone’s health during their travels.


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