Home Headlines CDC, Clark locators recognized for supporting DENR programs

CDC, Clark locators recognized for supporting DENR programs


ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP AWARDEES. Clark Development Corporation (CDC) Environmental Permits Division (EPD) Assistant Manager Mayflor R. Candelaria (5th from right) received the award from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region 3 headed by Regional Director Lormelyn E. Claudio (2nd Row, 6th from right) joined by Environmental Management Bureau Officers and staff. Other awardees include Fontana Development Corporation represented by Mannie Dungca (1st from R), Filinvest Mimosa with Ms. Liezl Santos (2nd from left), CRL Environmental Corp. with COO Maria Carmela Q. Capule (4th from right), Donggwang Clark with Engr. Jeff San Juan and Nathaniel Esteban (5th and 6th from left). The Environmental Practitioners Association Inc. was represented by its Secretary Ms. Jocelyn T. Ricardo (1st from left) of TIPCO, Vice President Engr. Rolando Sta. Cruz (3rd from right) and Ms. Yasmin M. Dizon (4th from right).

CLARK FREEPORT – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – Environmental Management Bureau recently recognized Clark Development Corporation (CDC) and some locator companies in this Freeport for supporting various environmental programs in the region.

During the Environmental Partnership Awards held at Savannah Hotel, CDC through its Environmental Permits Division (CDC) headed by Engr. Rogelio Magat, CDC- EPD Assistant Manager Mayflor Candelaria received the award that cites the long term partnership of CDC and DENR Region 3 for numerous environment undertakings. The award also acknowledges the contribution of the state-owned firm to the advocacies of DENR-EMB.

“It is this enduring partnership that inspired some locators to go beyond compliance and become environmental advocates for sustainable economic development,” Candelaria said after they received the award.

Acknowledging their commitment to the environment, DENR Region 3 also conferred awards to some locator companies in this Freeport. These include Donggwang Clark Corporation, Fontana Development Corporation, Filinvest Mimosa Inc., and CRL Environmental Corporation.

Some of the notable eco-friendly programs of CDC which are also being participated by its locators here include the annual Recyclables Collection Event and Adapt an Estero Project which aims to clean up the river systems within the Metro Clark area.

Meanwhile, Environmental Practitioners Association (EPA) headed by CDC-EPD Manager Rogelio Magat was also recognized for being the longtime partner of the EMB R3, in the conduct of training for Pollution Control Officers (PCO) and Managing Heads to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills needed for environmental stewardship.

Coinciding with the activity, outgoing DENR Regional Director Lormelyn Claudio welcomed the incoming DENR Region 3 Regional Director Wilson L. Trajeco in a turnover ceremony.


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