Campus journalists join schools presscon

    BALANGA CITY, Bataan – The schools’ Division here under the Department of Education held its yearly division schools press conference (DSPC) to choose representatives in various journalism categories for the forthcoming Regional Schools Press Conference.

    Some 381 young journalists from public and private elementary and secondary schools in the city participated in the two-day affair on Saturday and Sunday at the Balanga Elementary School.

    Veteran lecturers discussed for two hours topics on newswriting, editorial writing, feature writing, sports writing, copyreading and headline writing, editorial cartooning and photojournalism both in English and Filipino.

    Contest proper that lasted for an hour followed. The top three division winners in each of the categories shall compete in the Regional Schools Press Conference (RSPC).

    Lectures on radio scriptwriting and broadcasting were also held.  One best anchor, one best technical man, two best infomercial producers, two best writers and one best reporter were selected and likewise to compete in the RSPC.

    Dr. Felicisima Oria, division English supervisor and Dr. Corazon Lopez, division Filipino supervisor, spearheaded the annual event. They said the division has so far got good marks in both the regional and national contests, especially in feature and news writing.

    “This is to promote awareness and understanding of the millennium development goals through varied journalistic approaches and responsible journalism and enhance journalistic competencies through friendly individual and group competitions,” Asst. Schools Division Supt. Jessie Ferrer said.

    Prominent private schools like Montessori, Tomas del Rosario College and St. Joseph Academy joined public elementary and secondary schools in the division press conference.              


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