Home Headlines Campaign period for BSKE starts

Campaign period for BSKE starts

Early birds. By early morning light of Day 1 of the campaign period, supporters are already posting tarps of their candidates on walls and fences. Photo: Ernie Esconde

SAMAL, Bataan — Candidates for the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE)  lost no time and started posting campaign materials before  12:30 at dawn of Thursday, a few minutes past the time mandated by law for the beginning of the campaign period. 

Campaign period for the Oct. 30 elections began at 12:01 in the morning of Thursday, Oct. 19 and to last until Oct. 28. 

In Barangay Sta. Lucia here for example, candidates and supporters of two sets of opposing candidates posted campaign posters on concrete walls and fences of their houses or their relatives and supporters. 

In barangay elections, owners of houses where campaign materials are posted already show the candidates they will vote for. Usually, only the candidates of their choice are allowed to place posters on their fences or walls. 

Candidates with their supporters made the rounds of all sitios before daybreak, posting as many campaign materials as they can in many houses whose owners have permitted them. 

At 7 a.m. Thursday, candidates unmindful of the light rains went in groups in colored T-shirts campaigning around the area while loudspeakers mounted in tricycles and other vehicles blared campaign songs and messages. 

To be elected in each barangay are a barangay chairman with seven kagawad and a sangguniang kabataan chairman with also seven kagawad.  



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