Home Headlines Bustos Dam releases water due to rains

Bustos Dam releases water due to rains

The water gauge of Bustos Dam. Photo: Rommel Ramos

BUSTOS, Bulacan — Due to rains caused by habagat which was further strengthened by Typhoon Goring, Bustos Dam has been releasing water since Wednesday night.

The dam releases 90 cubic meters per second (CMS) of water when it reached 17.41 meters which exceeded its 17.36-meter spilling level.

The Bustos Dam water control and coordinating unit reported that that sluice gate was temporarily closed around 4 a.m. Thursday when the water level subsided, but reopened when the water level again exceeded the spilling level and reached 17.39 meters.

Despite the said releases, water level in Bustos Dam continued rising to 17.42 meters and another sluice gate was opened and now releases a total of 271 cms of water.

Meanwhile, the management of Bustos Dam warned the residents along the Angat River for the possible flooding caused by water releases.


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