Bruno Cornacchiola prophecies

    NOT MANY have heard of Italian Bruno Cornacchiola, but he is a person that should be of interest in our times that an increasing number of people worldwide are describing as apocalyptic. If I remember right, it was to him that Jesus Christ once replied that no one really dies when he asked what happens when a man passes away.

    Bruno is considered one of the credible mystics of our times, recognized as such by notable Church leaders. He used to be an avid Adventist who did not believe in the role of the Blessed Mother as espoused by the Catholic Church, until, together with his two children in 1947, he witnessed her apparition.

    It was the start of mystical phenomena for Bruno. The Blessed Mother relayed to him prophecies that undoubtedly pertain to our times, as she became known as Our Lade of Revelation.

    Bruno, as instructed by the Blessed Mother, put into writing the prophecies which were published in Italian and have yet to be fully translated into English.

    Here are some of the prophedies:

    • “From the east a strong people, far away from God, will strike a tremendous attack, and break the sacred and sacred things.”

    • The entire Church will undergo a tremendous trial, to clean up the mass of rotten flesh that has infiltrated into Her ministers, in particular among the Orders of poverty: a moral trial, a spiritual trial. For the time indicated in the heavenly books, priests and faithful will be placed at a perilous turning-point in the world of the lost, which will rush to the assault with whichever means: false ideologies and theologies! Supplication from both parts, the faithful and the unfaithful, will be made according to the trials. I, among you the elect, with Christ as Our Captain, will fight for you.

    • The wrath of Satan is no longer restrained; the Spirit of God is withdrawn from the earth, the Church will be left a widow, behold the funeral drape, She will be left to the mercy of the world.

    The awful prophecies came with admonitions. The Blessed Mother said: “Children, become saints and sanctify yourselves more, always love each other .”

    Bruno also was given prophetic dreams. One time in 1999 (he died in 2001), he noted: “This night I saw St. Peter’s Basilica, go on fire, and I said, ‘Why is it being burned? A voice says, ‘It is purifying fire to make it understand that it is the only force of life and love and it is not understood; God purifies everything in order to make everyone understand the way of truth for life. “

    In 2000, he had a vision which he described thus: “Today I had a very bad vision that made me cry. I saw a lot of blood flowing in St. Peter’s, all out with the staircases and columns around and the two fountains. Well, I saw the blood drain and [shouts of?]: ‘Death to the leaders!’ I had a bad feeling for the Pope and others.”

    In Medjugorje, the Blessed Mother again repeated her call to the world: “Pray, pray, pray.”


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