Home Headlines ‘Brochures’ from USA yield P103-M shabu

‘Brochures’ from USA yield P103-M shabu

BOC-Clark staff shows shabu stashed in parcels of “brochures.” Contributed photo

CLARK FREEPORT – Three parcels declared as “brochures” yielded 14,944 grams of shabu with an estimated street value of P103,113,600 upon inspection by the Bureau of Customs-Port of Clark.

Marked “suspicious” by the port’s X-ray Inspection Project, the parcels that arrived here on Dec. 18 from Texas, Pennsylvania, and Illinois, USA were initially to K9 sniffing. After a physical inspection, the parcels were found to contain plastic pouches containing white crystalline materials suspected to be shabu.

Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency chemical laboratory analysis confirmed that the substances were indeed methamphetamine hydrochloride, commonly known as shabu, a dangerous drug under RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002).

BOC-Port of Clark district collector Erastus Sandino Austria issued warrants of seizure and detention against the subject shipments for violation of RA 10863 (Customs Modernization and Tariff Act) in relation to RA 9165.

“Though there is still much work to do in the Bureau of Customs to achieve greatness in our efforts to stop any illegal attempts to import controlled substances into the country, we will continue to strengthen our coordination with our partner law enforcement agencies in protecting our nation from the damaging effects of drug trafficking,” BOC Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio enthused over this latest seizure of illegal drugs. BOC-Clark


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