Bongbong keeps options open on presidency in 2016

    CITY OF SAN FERNANDO — Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr said here yesterday he has kept his “options open” on proposals for him to run for president in 2016.

    In a press conference with local media, Marcos declined to comment on whether he would support Sen. Grace Poe, who is rumored to be his half-sister, should she run for president.

    Marcos said, however, that much will depend on the options of the Nacionalista Party (NP) for 2016 including possible support for Poe should an alliance be established with her.

    But Marcos dismissed talks that Poe is his half sister. “Biro biruan lang naman yan,” he said.

    “I call her sis and she calls me kuya. I was laughing the first time I met her after the 2013 elections and I remarked that we were supposed to be siblings, so we made that a career,” he said.

    Marcos dismissed the alleged blood relations as “one of the silly rumors that go around.”

    “You know us Filipinos, we are fond of creating rumors to laugh about,” he added.

    He noted that Poe has a “big decision” to make amid her good showing in recent surveys. The latest Social Weather Stations survey showed she statistically tied with Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay.

    Marcos belied reports that he had categorically declared intent to run for president. “In the past four years, my own plan has been to run for re-election in the Senate.”

    “But of course things are changing and many people are mentioning my name. So we have to look at things and see what’s happening,” he said.

    “Let us observe and see what happens in the future. But if there’s one lesson I learned in politics, never say never and be prepared for whatever happens,” he added.

    Marcos said the NP has yet no deadline for deciding on whether it would field its own presidential candidate, although he said this could be tackled in its caucus which starts today. “We have to determine the sentiments of its members and allies nationwide first,” he also said.


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