Home Lifestyle Body tension release

Body tension release


TEARS, LAUGHTERS, joy, and peace flooded Orissa Holistic Garden last weekend. A result from the workshop that I created, about body- emotion tension release. with a dear friend Tatah Alberto, a master of kinesiology,

I came up with this glorious idea, for I noticed that most people I know somehow suffer either from an illness, unhappiness, stress or emotional instability.

Perhaps, these are results of external circumstances which challenged the peace of the person, blocking the energy channels of the heart and physical system, causing the body to stiffen to protect itself.

Conscious movement awareness was the first part of the program. The objective is to create sensitivity to each section of the anatomy, together with the move that is executed, to awaken mind-body connection.

After an hour, the body tension release action followed. This course involved shaking the whole form, from head up to the toes vigorously – for 15 minutes. Then, transitioning to a free dance flow for another 15 minutes. Our attendees beautifully and naturally dropped all their inhibitions at this point, feeling so free and liberated.

Towards the end, the sound release from the chest took over. A powerful

part that totally crushed all those unpleasant energies that toughened the muscles and joints, developed into pains and discomfort.

I was ecstatic to see our wonderful attendees being released from the chain of chaos that blocked their path to fully achieve their potential, and just seeing them be.

As they danced, everything became vivid in my mind, what they went through in life. Their unstructured glides and frustrating moves, told their stories. It was quite moving actually.

At the end of the BTR (body tension release) session, everyone was glowing and cheery. Laughing, teasing and joking with each other, like small children. Considering most of them just met for the first time, they amazingly synchronized effortlessly and quickly.

To witness this kind of transformation in a short period of time, is one of my utmost rewards as a healer. To be able to touch even just one life gives enormous contribution to happiness in the Universe., For when that joy is taken home, it will light up the whole house, and those in it. Makes the whole atmosphere a haven of peace and bliss.

As our routine sails smoothly, I wonder how others address their tightness and which part of the body it sits? Do they even realize that an unattended traction could lead to a major problem later on?

As the afternoon sets in, the ETR (emotional tension release) program, takes the stage. The story, will be in my next article.



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