Home Headlines BOC Subic overshoots revenue target by P5-B

BOC Subic overshoots revenue target by P5-B


SUBIC BAY FREEPORT—In an unprecedented history of the revenue generation history of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) district office here was achieved this year, the first time, according to BOC old timers aside from consistently hitting its monthly collections target also generated a P5 billion surplus income during its 11 months operations.

The district headed by Collector Maritess Martin, reported that a cumulative income of P29.690 billion was realized by the BOC unit from January to November while its assigned target given by Aduana for the year 2019 amounted to P24.609 billion, representing 20.64 percent of the more than expected.

The district last year overall collection performance amounted to P22.571 billion.

The P29.690 billion only covers the eleven months of the year.

But the December revenue report may indicate some slight decline in income due to the decline of petroleum product imports beginning the last week of November and ship arrivals due to the regulated movements during the 30th Seagames period.

What noticeable by Subic Port observers that since the deployment to Subic by Collector Martin, the average monthly income of the Port although still suffering from personnel shortage, increased to over P2 billion a month from revenues of petroleum products, industrial and agriculture base products.

Martin attributed marked improvement of the district accomplishments to the full cooperation of Team Subic and close working relationship with SBMA Seaport and the private container terminal operator, Subic Bay International Terminal Corp. (SBITC), a wholly owned subsidiary of global port operator—ICTSI.


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