Home Headlines BOC-Clark busts drug shipment, consignee nabbed in Laguna

BOC-Clark busts drug shipment, consignee nabbed in Laguna


BOCClark photos

A joint controlled delivery operation by elements of the Bureau of Customs-Port of Clark and the Philippine Drug Enforcement AgencyRegion III led to the arrest of a consignee of a shipment that yielded 4.5 grams of kush marijuana and 82 leaves of rolling paper.

The consignee who was not identified in the BOC-Clark account of the story in its Facebook page was said to have been nabbed in Majayjay, Laguna last July 3.

The shipment which arrived at the Clark port from Germany on June 25 was listed to contain Gifts, Letters, and Photos.

Subjected by the BOC to strict profiling and non-intrusive examination as well as physical examination, the shipment yielded one used smoking pipe, one red herb grinder, one booklet mini rolling paper tips, one pack organic hemp rolling paper, and one bottle dried leaves/herbs of suspected kush/marijuana.

The shipment was further subjected to K9 sniffing which indicated the presence of illegal drugs. Chemical analysis by the PDEA determined it was marijuana.

A warrant of seizure and detention was issued against the subject shipment for violation of Sections 118 (g), 119 (d) and 1113 (f), (i) & (l) of R.A. No. 10863 or the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), and R.A. No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

BOC-Clark said it will remain vigilant in protecting the country’s borders amidst the global pandemic.— With BOC-Clark PR


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