Home Headlines BLUE ALERT Nolcom ready for Ompong

Nolcom ready for Ompong


CLARK FREEPORT – Disaster response task groups (DRTG) were deployed by the Armed Forces Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) in various parts of Northern and Central Luzon in anticipation of Typhoon Ompong.

“The groups were already mobillized in designated areas staring last Monday and are on Blue Alert. Each of the 702nd, 703rd, 502nd, and 503rd Infantry Brigades has DRTG to provide humanitarian assistance and disaster response in calamity-susceptible areas,”Nolcom said in a statement yesterday.

Nolcom reported that “DRTG 1 of the 702nd Brigade is focused to provide assistance in the Ilocos Region, DRTG 2 of the 502nd Brigade for the Cagayan Valley, DRTG3 of the 703rd Brigade focuses in Region 3, and DRTG Cordillera of the 503rd Brigade in the Cordillera Administrative Region.“

“All military conveyance and equipment are ready for use in any case the need arises,” it said.

Nolcom also said it has been “working with volunteer organizations and other stakeholders in repacking of goods to be given as relief packages for needy people to be affected by the typhoon.“

“We are closely coordinating with the Office of the Civil Defense at Emergency Operations Centers, and regional disaster risk reduction and management councils in monitoring and providing advisories to the public in raising awareness and preparedness for the typhoon, “ Nolcom also said.


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