Blessed Mother wants cooperation

    THERE ARE many reasons why the Blessed Mother is appearing all over the world nowadays. The world, because of its turning away from God, is facing chastisement. But it’s a retribution that can still be averted, to a certain degree, by change in the hearts of mankind. So in this regard we find one major reason for the apparitions: our cooperation.

    Our Blessed Mother has therefore been nagging us on this in her Merdjugorje apparitions. The following are her own words conveyed at diff erent times through the seers of Medjugorje.

    – “There are many plans that I cannot fulfi ll without you… I cannot do anything without you… I want to draw you closer to the Heart of Jesus. Therefore, dear little children, pray that you may comprehend the greatness of this message that I give you.”

    – “Dear children, without you I am not able to help the world. I desire that you cooperate with me in everything, even in the smallest things.”

    – “Today I invite you to become missionaries of my messages… to transmit them to the whole world… to be my joyful carriers of peace… Through you, I wish to renew the world.”

    Our Blessed Mother’s apparitions come with appeals and warnings, as well as what we ought to do to avoid the dangers brought about by ignoring God.

    In February, 2000, she said: “Dear children! Wake up from the sleep of unbelief and sin, because this is a time of grace which God gives you. Use this time and seek the grace of healing of your heart from God, so that you may see God and man with the heart. Pray in a special way for those who have not come to know God’s love, and witness with your life so that they also can come to know God and His immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

    Two years later, she assured us: “Dear children! I am with you even if you are not conscious of it. I want to protect you from everything that Satan off ers you and through which he wants to destroy you. As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you into holiness. God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life. Therefore, little children, understand also the greatness of the gift which God is giving you through me, so that I may protect you with my mantle and lead you to the joy of life. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

    Earlier in 1990, our Blessed Mother relayed to us the following: “Dear children! I invite you to prayer now when Satan is strong and wishes to make as many souls as possible his own. Pray, dear children, and have more trust in me because I am here in order to help you and to guide you on a new path toward a new life. Therefore, dear little children, listen and live what I tell you because it is important for you when I shall not be with you any longer that you remember my words and all that I told you. I call you to begin to change your life from the beginning and that you decide for conversion not with words but with your life. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


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