Blessed Mother: ‘Many go to hell’


    There are people who can’t accept the doctrine of an eternal hell and insist that eternal punishment is inconsistent with Divine Mercy. Catholic theologians have various shades of explanations to justify eternal hell and these were summed up by the Blessed Virgin Mary in one of her continuing apparitions to the visionaries of Medjugorje.
    We go on with dated quotes from the Blessed Mother.

    Jan. 10, 1983: "Men who go to hell no longer want to receive any benefit from God. They do not repent, nor do they cease to swear and to blaspheme. They make up their mind to live in hell and to not at all contemplate leaving it."

    And then on Purgatory, one the same date: "There are different levels of which the lowest are close to hell and the highest gradually draw near to Heaven. It is not on All Souls’ Day, but at Christmas, that the greatest number of souls leave Purgatory.

    There are the souls who pray ardently to God but for whom no relative or friend prays for them. God makes them benefit from the prayers of other people."

    The Blessed Mother then affirms the existence of ghosts by continuing:

    "It happens that God permits them (souls in Purgatory) to manifest themselves in different ways, close to their relatives on earth, in order to remind men of the existence of Purgatory and solicit their prayers."

    And then these very interesting information relayed further: "The majority go to Purgatory. MANY GO TO HELL. A SMALL NUMBER GO DIRECTLY TO HEAVEN."

    On. May 5, 1983, the Blessed Mother also affirmed a case of demonic possession  in our modern times when she replied to a question in regard to a person from Vienna who was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

    She said: "It is diabolical possession. One can succeed (in curing the person) only through prayer."

    In the spring of 1983, the Blessed Mother said in regard to people anticipating the prophesied Sign before the Chastisement: "Hasten your conversion. Do not await the sign which has been announced.

    For those who do not believe, it will be too late. You who believe, be converted and deepen your faith."


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