Blessed Mother in Itapiranga

    THE INTERESTING thing about the apparitions of the Blessed Mother to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, northern Brazil since 1994 is that it was approved by Archbishop Carillo Gritti as being of supernatural character.

    There, Edson first saw the Blessed Mother as a very young woman and identifying herself as Queen of the Rosary. Since then, Edson has been receiving messages not only from her, but also from St. Joseph.

    Edson was given the mission to pray for the youth, for their conversion, and for peace of the world.

    I am sure many, especially have not heard about the Itapiranga apparitions, would be interested to know the messages from there. There have been volumes of messages from the supernatural since the first apparition in 1994, but I am here sharing the latest messages given by the Blessed Mother last November.

     – “Do not be disobedient to the Laws of the Lord. Strive to be better every day. Approach the sacraments in order to have the strength to overcome the devil and sin. Do not live in sin, but in God’s grace. Whoever lives in sin does not do the will of God, but allows the infernal enemy to approach them and their own family.”

    – “My children, I am your Mother am here before you because I love you and wish you well. Convert now, opening your hearts to God, changing the course of your lives. Do not let yourselves be deceived by the devil and the world. The devil does not want the good of your souls, but their destruction. Fight against him, praying my rosary with faith and love, drawing near to the sacraments.”

     – “Peace my beloved children, peace! My children, I your Mother come from heaven to give you my blessing, so that you may have the strength and grace to be of God in order to belong to his kingdom of love until the end of your lives.

     – “Do not turn away from my Divine Son, committing terrible sins. Turn back, turn back to the right path, so that you may merit the graces that my Son wishes to grant you. Do not be children with hardened hearts, change your life, so that your lives may be an example for your brothers and sisters who do not want to love God.”

    – “Be faithful and obedient to God, because time is passing and so many are asleep and blind, not accepting and living out the messages that my Most Holy Spouse has already been conveying to you since long ago. You cannot imagine what will come to the world, the ungrateful and sinful world that off ends God and does not want to repent.”


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