Home Opinion Blessed Mother: I don’t come from Heaven as a joke

Blessed Mother: I don’t come from Heaven as a joke


“I DID not come from Heaven for your amusement. The time I predicted in the past has arrived. Bend your knees in prayer…Behold, now is the time of great trials for mankind. Tell everyone that I don’t come from Heaven as a joke….”

Thus, the Blessed Virgin Mary told Pedro Regis.

Regis lives in Anguerra, Brazil. In 1987, he started having mystic experiences that eventually led to regular apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Vatican has yet to make any declaration about the Anguerra apparitions.

Unlike most Marian apparitions, prophetic warnings from Anguerra are often specific: one warned of the New York Twin Towers tragedy and another of the historic Japan tsunami only months before the events.

In Anguerra, the first message the Blessed Mother conveyed through Regis in 1987 was as follows:

“I am the Queen of Peace and I want all my children be at my side to fight the great evil that could come to the world. In order for this evil not to happen, you should pray and have faith.

“My children, I desire the conversion of all as soon as possible. The world is in great danger and to free you from this danger, you need to pray, to convert and to believe in the Word of the Creator…”

Then in 1987, she told Regis: “I ask you to be defenders of the truth, for the truth will liberate you and carry you to salvation. Humanity is sick, and the moment has come for a great returning to the Lord. Be led by the hands of the Lord, and you will be healed spiritually. Repent, for repentance is the first step to be taken on the path to conversion. I am your Mother, and I love you immensely. Open your hearts, and live my appeals.

The Blessed Mother also noted: “You live in a time worse than in the time of the flood. Mankind has challenged the Creator and walks to the abyss of self-destruction.”

At different times, the Blessed Mother also told Regis as follows:

“Humanity is moving toward an abyss of self-destruction that men have prepared with their own hands.”

“Take my appeals to the world, and God will repay you generously.”16 “God is in a hurry, and the moment of your return has arrived.”

– “I want to lead you to the One who is your only Way, Truth, and Life. You still have ahead of you, long years of hard trials.”

These were messages conveyed some two decades ago. In the Blessed Mother’s more recent apparitions, particularly in Medjugorje, some conditional prophetic warnings are said to have become inevitable.

The Blessed Mother has been addressing herself to each one of us. Particularly Catholics who, because of their being in the fold of the Church that God had founded, are in the better position to pray for all, for the entire world, as they are in a privileged platform to change the course of even the universe through their prayers, acts of penance and other means granted to the Church.

The Blessed Mother has been addressing herself personally to you and me.


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