Blessed Mother appears in Iraq, California too

    For three days last January over the city of Alqosh in Iraq, the Blessed Mother Mary hovered luminously in the sky. Thousands saw her amid the horrendous sufferings in Iraq, in a city that was just recently overtaken by the ISIS whose terrifying extremists beheaded or crucified Christians, including children.

    In the serene aridity of the Mojave Desert north of Los, Angeles in California, Maria Paula Acuna has been attracting more people, especially every 13th of the month. There, she also sees the Blessed Mother and one would think that there, too, she was fortifying faith among the people of California, a state long rumored to be sitting on the brink of geological cataclysm..

    In Iraq, the three-day apparition of the Blessed Mother created a sensation that renewed faith. It was as if she was telling the Christians to hold on to their faith regardless of what was to come. As in her apparitions before hundreds of thousands on top of the Coptic church in Zeitoun, Egypt in the 1960s, some people photographed her.

    One photograph that has made it through digital media was uploaded by American Jeff Gardner of Missouri who heads a group called Picture Christians which is dedicated to putting face on the horrible sufferings of Christians in the hands of the ISIS.

    A witness described the Blessed Mother as being “like a north star but isolated from everything else. It was rose-colored and like she had her head bowed in prayer.”

    At the Mojave Desert in California, Marian Paula Acuna wears the habit of a nun, and attracts many, including the sick, every 13th of the month when the Blessed Mother appears to her. Only Maria Paula sees the Blessed Mother, but witnesses armed with cameras have taken pictures on unusual lights and cloud formations of angels. Some have reported smelling roses during the apparitions.

    Now for our staple messages from the Blessed Mother as conveyed through visionary Pedro Regis last Feb. 10.

    “Dear children, open your hearts to the Lord and discover the great treasure that is within you. I know each one of you by name and I came from Heaven to show you the way to conversion. Do not hold back. My Jesus needs your sincere and courageous yes.

    “Take care of your spiritual life and live separated from things of the world. You belong to the Lord and He is the only One you should follow and serve. Humanity has become spiritually poor because men have strayed from
    the truth. Return to the Lord. Say no to sin and let yourselves be led by the One who is your All.

    “You are prone to commit sin and many times, without thinking, you put yourselves on the side opposed to God. Be careful. Bend your knees in prayer. Only through prayer can you understand the plans God has for you. Do not be afraid. The day of your liberation is near. The Victory of God will occur with the definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. The Lord will wipe away your tears, and the just will live in joy. Go forward.

    “This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.”


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