Bishops support I-DOLE

    BALANGA CITY — The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ Episcopal Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People (CBCP-ECMI) has expressed full support to the issuance of I-DOLE to overseas Filipino workers.

    “We recommend to our OFWs to avail themselves of it. We appreciate the caring efforts and concerns of the Department of Labor and Employment to give the best for our overseas workers,” said Bishop Ruperto Santos, CBCP- ECMI chair.

    “And it is very good that it will be freely given,” the Bataan prelate added.

    He said that I-DOLE is beneficial and would lessen the burdens of OFWs of long lines, travel time and bureaucracy in securing Overseas Employment Certificates (OEC).

    Santos said I-DOLE that will eventually replace OEC will give added assistance and comfort to Filipino workers abroad. He said it could be used in transactions with the Social Security System, Pag-IBIG and PhilHealth.

    “If it could serve as their passport in their transactions with government agencies, it is truly very useful and helpful to the OFWs. We endorse it,” the bishop said.


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