Bishops seek justice for raped OFW

    BALANGA CITY – The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal Commission on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People on Saturday condemned the brutal rape of an overseas Filipino worker in Saudi Arabia.

    The Department of Foreign Aff airs identifi ed the victim as Irma Edloy who died Thursday night of stroke reportedly after seeing her alleged rapist at a hospital in Riyadh.

    “Our hearts are pained again by the deeply saddening news of the death of our kababayan Irma who was brutally raped in Saudi. Her noble intention to be an OFW to be able to provide for the needs of her family and loved ones and uplift their life has turned to tragedy,” said Bataan Bishop Ruperto Santos, CBCP-ECMI chair.

    The prelate asked the labor department to fully investigate the recruitment process the victim underwent and to hold the agency that sent her to her employer criminally accountable.

    “DOLE should prosecute the persons behind this agency and make sure no one else falls victim to them. We also remind our Philippine embassy offi cials to redouble their eff orts in protecting and caring for our OFWs and to safeguard their human and labor rights,” Santos said.

    “Please make sure that when Filipinos go to work in foreign lands they do not go to their death,” the bishop told the labor department.

    Santos asked everyone to pray for Irma, that her soul may fi nd rest and peace. “Let’s pray for all our OFWs that they may be always safe from harm and distress,” he said.


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