Bishop says ‘No’ to condoms in schools

    BALANGA CITY — The bishop of Bataan on Tuesday declared a big “No” to the distribution of condoms in schools, saying a mistake cannot be corrected by another mistake.

    “Giving condoms or pills is just encouraging immoralities and illicit aff airs,” said Bishop Ruperto Santos. The prelate is a permanent member of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines and chair of the CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People.

    The bishop was reacting to the plan of the Department of Health in coordination with the Department of Education to distribute condoms in schools in view of the rising HIV/AIDS cases in the country.

    “To prevent teenage pregnancy, educate our youth and safeguard them from social media that promote sex and violence,” the Bataan prelate said.

    He said that parents have a big role in the upbringing of their children.

    “Be strict by giving curfew or the use of internet and cellphones,” Santos said.


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