Home Headlines Bishop issues prayer for Covid vaccine

Bishop issues prayer for Covid vaccine


BALANGA CITY — Bishop Ruperto C. Santos of the Diocese of Balanga on Sunday issued a new prayer, this time a prayer for vaccines.

Santos, chair of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the PhilippinesEpiscopal Commission on Pontificio Collegio Filippino in Rome, has composed many prayers, especially during this time of the pandemic.

He said that God listens, God knows all and attends to our needs: “Just be constant and consistent in praying to Him. In this time of the coronavirus 2019, we turn to God, entrust all to Him for we know ‘nothing is impossible with God.

Here is the prayer: “Our dearest Lord Jesus, Divine Healer, You are our greatest hope. You are our ever-present help. With love and compassion, You commanded Your disciples ‘heal the sick’ (Matthew 10,8).

We need Your healing power and divine knowledge. Give us relief from our suffering and sickness. Grant to those in the medical profession the necessary intellect to find solution in formulating the vaccine against this deadly virus.

With Your caring and saving intervention, O Lord Jesus, encourage and enlighten them to discover a vaccine that is safe, effective and reliable; a vaccine that is affordable, not exclusive nor for profit. Amen.

As we take this vaccine, touch us O Lord Jesus, that it will help and heal us; it will restore us to our sound health and make us, As You have said, ‘get well.’ (John 5,6).

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.”


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