Home Headlines BCDA cites Japanese gov’t support to Build Build Build

BCDA cites Japanese gov’t support to Build Build Build


CLARK FREEPORT – The prime mover of the government’s Build Build Build Program has acknowledged the support of the Japanese government.

The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) has recognized the support of the Japanese government to the ambitious infrastructure program of the Duterte administration.

“This is one of the legacies that President Duterte will be leaving behind, the beginnings of the New Clark City and we have the Japanese government to thank a lot because they really have been supportive from the very beginning,” BCDA president-CEO Vince Dizon said at the conclusion of the 8th High Level Meeting of the Philippines-Japan Joint Committee on Infrastructure Development and Economic Cooperation here.

“Based on the discussions in the meeting, there will be more support coming to us. In fact, there’s a joint venture between the BCDA and the Japan Overseas International Network for transport and urban development,” he added.

Dizon said this freeport is one of the centerpiece of the administration’s infrastructure program which has taken more than three decades for the area to really develop.

“I think we usually forget that in Luzon where close of 60 percent of Filipinos reside, there is only one metropolis, that is Metro Manila,” he stressed.

“Past governments have been unable to develop regions and areas outside of Metro Manila as new centers of growth and that is why we included the development of Clark and Subic because their strategic nature becomes really the centerpiece not just of the Build Build Build Program but also future developments later on,” he said.

“With these, we really need a new metropolis to not just address the congestion of Metro Manila but also to spread growth outside,” Dizon added.


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