ATTAP backs gov’s tourism efforts


    FLORIDABLANCA, Pampanga — “The governor of Pampanga has an ‘eye’ for potential development in tourism.”

    Thus said members of the Angeles City Library staff led by Agnes Gomez after their recent team-building in barangay Nabuklod here.

    Gomez, member of the Alliance of Travel and Tour Agencies of Pampanga (ATTAP) and owner of the D Travel Shop in Angeles, said Pineda has foreseen the development of Nabuklod way before others did.

    “The place will attract tourists from all walks of life regardless of their age. The governor really has taste and her eyes are wide open when it comes to beauty yet to be fully discovered,” said Gomez, whose group led by ATTAP president Gilda Padua has vowed to help the provincial government promote Nabuklod and other premiere destinations, including the old Roman Catholic churches in Pampanga built by Spanish priests way back in the16th and 17th centuries. 

    Gomez and Padua are excited for Pampanga’s future in tourism as international and local flights at the Clark Airport now number at least 300 weekly. 

    Pampanga Capitol officials, including General Services Office (GSO) chief Royce Pring, said the governor is “very passionate “in the over-all development of Nabuklod as a tourist destination and agricultural area.

    “If you want to make the governor happy, talk about Nabuklod or anything about Aetas,” said Provincial Administrator Andres “Jun” Pangilinan in his conversations with journalists.

    The provincial government is batting for a holistic approach in the development of Nabuklod, Pampanga’s newest tourist attraction and home of Floridablanca-based Aetas.


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