Asal aso

    Aside from asking how much is one kilo of galunggong, what’s the next best question to shoot to a candidate in the coming 2010 elections?

    Forget about the cost of kamatis.  If the candidate is a vegetarian, she may just be able to give you the right figures down to the last centavo. 

    How about this:  What is your pet dog?

    No kidding.  Ask a 2010 wannabe about his dog.  If he does not have one, ask him what kind of dog he would want to have.   His answer would give you an insight into his personality in a jiffy.

    I’m presently reading this book by Richard Wiseman, a U.K.-based author who has done researches into offbeat areas of psychology.  In a large-scale online study he conducted a few years ago, he examined the possible relationship between the personality of pet owners and their pets. 

    The results were very revealing — Pets adopt their owners’ personality, or vice versa.  Stated in another way, people’s pets are a reflection of themselves.

    For a minute, think of what dog you keep.  Isn’t it true that your dog mirrors your personality?  I keep a Beagle (remember Hush Puppies?), who are reputed to be of high intelligence.  (Ehem!)  Beagles also have good hearts and willingness to please.  (Ehem! Ehem!)  Oddly, they are motivated by food and work best in a reward-based environment. (Choke!)

    Here are some more insights into what kind of traits your hand-shaking aspirant possesses.
    If a Dachshund howls in Senator’s (upper?) house, the good senator has a bold and fierce temperament that allows him to tangle with even the most difficult opponent.  The downside is, he can be stubborn, which in turn makes him difficult to teach.

    If a German Shepherd watches the gate of forever-Mayoral contender, he is ruthless against the notorious criminal, but loyal and affectionate to the underdog. (Pun intended.)  On the minus side, he can be loving and protective to his family/constituents – if properly trained.

    If re-electionist Councilor maintains a Bulldog, he is kind, resolute and courageous.  A word of caution, however – great intelligence is not one of his assets.  Like a bulldog, Konsehal is willing to please and will do your bidding, but only as soon as he figures out what it is that you want him to do.

    If your Congressional hopeful owns a Labrador, you’ve just found a very dependable man who also has a great temperament.  He is likewise versatile, devoted to his family, and friendly toward people.  As far as work is concerned, he loves to be busy and is the easiest to teach.

    I’ll leave the Pit Bull owners to your wild guesses.   Meantime, if you bump into a May 2010 bet anytime soon, and you want to gain genuine insight into his personality within seconds, ask him to describe the personality of his canine pal.

    If that doesn’t work, you can try the itlog na maalat query. 

    Quote for the week:

    Properly trained, a man can be

    dog’s best friend. –Corey Ford


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