Anti-stench drive hits Nepos

    ANGELES CITY – The anti-pollution campaign waged against Porac piggeries has hit the politically powerful and influential Nepomucenos.

    Poultry and piggery farms reportedly owned or leased by the Nepomucenos in Barangay Cutcut here have been alleged as “contributory to the foul odor enveloping residential, and commercial areas, including schools” here.

    Barangay Cutcut is home of the Nepomucenos, including Mayor Francis “Blueboy” Nepomuceno. His elder brother Robin, is the barangay chairman and president of the city’s Liga ng mga Barangay by virtue of which he sits as a member of the city council. 

    The Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement (PGKM) and the Krusada Kontra Amoy (KKA) which are spearheading the campaign against the foul odor emitted by the Porac piggeries and which they claim is causing various respiratory and skin ailments have called on the Environment Management Bureau to “start looking in the direction of Cutcut” to find “a clear and present danger to the health of the nearby communities” allegedly “poised by the Nepomuceno piggeries and poultry.”

    The EMB was asked to check “not only the environmental clearance certificate of the piggery and poultry farms, but also on required pollution-abatement facilities such as bio-digesters and water treatment.” 

    “We would not anymore ask for their mayor’s permits. That would be a no brainer with the mayor as family member. Even if they did not, they could get their permit anytime, even antedated,” Ruperto Cruz, PGKM chairman, said.

    Cruz co-owns by virtue of a joint venture Royal Gardens Golf and Country Club at the Porac-Angeles City boundary where a poultry farm of the Nepomucenos is nearby situated. 

    Cruz however was quick to point out that it was not only his property that is being adversely affected by the “foul odor and the swarms of flies that go along with” as residents and housing developers in the area including Enclave, Timog Park, Carmenville, Savannah, Emerald, have also raised complaints.

    The KKA reported that even residents of the Nepomuceno-owned or –developed Sunset Estate and Sunset Village as well as faculty and students of the Nepomuceno-owned Westfields International School are complaining of the “nauseating odor and flies” they have to contend with everyday.

    “It is most ironic that one elected to serve and protect the people, one mandated to uphold the law is the same one who makes the people suffer, who disregards , if not completely violates, the law,” Cruz said, referring to the apparent violations of the Clean Air Act that the Nepomuceno siblings should uphold as elected officials.

    Punto! tried to reach out to the Nepomucenos for their side of the issue but failed as of presstime. 


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