Angeles mayor supports creation of Green group


    Councilor Jay Sangil is joined by Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan during the turn-over of barangay patrol vehicles recently at the Angeles City hall. Photo by Arnel De Jesus

    ANGELES CITY – Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan on Wednesday said that he is fully supporting the creation of a group called “Green Brigade” which will monitor and maintain the cleanliness of the Sapang Balen Creek and the Abacan river here.

    “Anything that could sustain our effort will be most welcome,” said Pamintuan in an interview recently.

    He lauded the efforts of Councilor Jay Sangil in pushing for “green initiatives” that will help protect the environment and prevent people living along the creek from dumping garbage and other wastes.

    Pamintuan also said that “Green Brigade” enforcers will join “Anti-waste Warriors” in monitoring the Sapang Balen Creek and maintaining its cleanliness through regular clean up drives.

    The city council earlier approved a resolution sponsored by Sangil urging the mayor to create the said group.

    “The creation of a Green Brigade would serve as a deterrent from illegal dumping of garbage and toxic wastes on the creek,” Sangil said.

    In the resolution, it noted that at least one person per 10 households living along the creek will be hired as a Green Brigade enforcer. He will be tasked to monitor, protect and maintain the cleanliness of the Sapang Balen Creek. 

    Described as a “green mayor’ by many of his constituents, Pamintuan led the massive clean up drive at the Sapang Balen Creek recently and has launched various projects in this city for the protection and preservation of the environment.

    The mayor said Sangil’s Green Brigade enforcers will now be part of other teams, including non-governmental organizations that help in keeping the creeks and waterways in the city clean.

    For his part, Sangil also cited the efforts of environmental groups like the “Save Sapang Balen Creek Movement” led by City of San Fernando Auxiliary Bishop Ambo David and the Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement headed by Ruperto Cruz.

    “Political will is needed to save the Sapang Balen Creek and Abacan river,” said David, who heads the Holy Rosary Parish Church here.

    David earlier lauded Pamintuan for putting up fences at bridges in the city, preventing people from throwing their garbage to rivers and creeks.


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