Secret detention cell part of growing culture of police brutality

    CLARK FREEPORT – Akbayan Party list said yesterday the secret detention cell discovered at a Manila Police District precinct “was only part of a growing culture of police brutality, undermining the work of the other reformists and law-abiding policemen.”

    “Rotten cops in the PNP ranks have been discovered to moonlight as riding-in-tandem killers in Mindoro, some have been implicated in the murder of Albuera Mayor Espinosa, and some were involved in the killing of three handcuff ed suspects in an alleged shootout in Quezon City last August 2016, among others,” explained Machris Cabreros, Akbayan president.

    “Yet no serious clampdown has been undertaken to make these police officers accountable, with PNP Chief Bato de la Rosa even making excuses for the MPD station,” lamented Cabreros. “de la Rosa should explain how such an incident could happen under his supervision, as well as other documented excesses under his leadership.”

    She said that “instead of lambasting the CHR, which is only correctly performing its mandate, de la Rosa should work with the CHR to uncover such wrongdoings and instill corrective measures,” added Cabreros. “We call on the CHR to continue doing its work and for the public to support the institution’s mandate of upholding the rights of the powerless against institutions prone to abuse.”

    “This secret cell is further proof of failure in the government’s campaign against drugs,” added Cabreros. “Suspects being tortured with no cases being fi led against them in 48 hours means someone should be held criminally liable.”

    Cabreros also said “this growing culture of police brutality in the PNP is the natural off shoot of a President who promises to pardon erring cops, and has even promoted those responsible for the murder of former Albuera Mayor Espinosa.”

    She warned that the “PNP is facing a serious credibility problem in the midst of thousands of people being killed with no killers brought to justice which makes retracting this violent campaign against drugs and refocusing attention on house cleaning in the PNP even more urgent calls.”

    “It seems the pressure to meet quotas for surrenderees is making the PNP a cruel, inhuman institution treating detainees like animals,” Cabreros lamented. “This culture goes all the way to the top, and it is only from there where this monstrosity can stop.”


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