Abucay town builds first sanitary landfill in Bataan


    ABUCAY, Bataan – This town has the distinction of being the first in Bataan to build a sanitary landfill that will be operational this July,  Mayor Ana Santiago announced Monday.

    The lady mayor said the landfill patterned after the engineered sanitary landfill in San Fernando, La Union rises in a 10-hectare land in sitio Macao, Barangay Capitangan in Abucay. She said that from the 11 towns and one city in Bataan, only Abucay passed the criteria set forth by an inspection and validating team.

    She said that they were able to lessen their expenses because there was no need for liners like the low-cost liner facility in the La Union landfill.

    “Nakatipid kami at hindi na kailangan ng liner dahil pila (clay) ang lupa,” the mayor said.

    The municipal government has initially funded the construction of the sanitary landfill for P3 million good for one cell of four meters deep by 1,820 square meters of waste area and extracted water from filtered wastes.

    The cell has the capacity to hold 5,600 cubic meters of garbage that will undergo filtering and another 1,680 cubic meters of garbage water extraction.

    “The ‘juice’ extraction from the filtered wastes will serve as irrigation water for plants that will be grown,” Municipal Administrator Fortunato Dulay said.

    He said that composting will first be done in the town’s slaughter house but once electric power becomes available in the landfill, the Material Recovery Facility will be placed in the dumpsite.

    The first cell can accommodate garbage for three to four years, after which another one will be built.
    Abucay, classified recently from fifth to third class municipality, has four dump trucks collecting a total of 48 cubic meters of garbage daily. The volume increases when classes in the elementary and secondary schools resume.

    Santiago said they have imposed on their constituents the segregation of wastes.


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