Home Headlines A kingdom come

A kingdom come


        It is unfortunate that ,finally, the ownership claim earlier made by the embattled Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy, a.k.a PACQ, looks like is over. More obviously, he’s now owned by the police or the  courts, as the  case maybe.  Not even the Armed Forces of the Philippines wants his custody. It makes sense: it has enough of security problems with myriad China-related issues spawned  all over the place, especially the  West Philippine Sea dispute. PACQ may just  complicate the AFP’s role and mandate. Why bother?

        Now, PACQ’ claim power over the price of rice has gone with the wind with his capture or surrender after 16 days in the lam inside his paradise-like kingdom that tested the mettle of a battle-tested general who refused to be  discouraged, albeit dismayed,by ill-advised politicians,err senators.

           PACQ’s claim hung on a higher claim: he said he owns the universe and bringing down the price of rice to the mirage level of the pre-Marcos, the Younger, is earsy. That claim  remained a mirage, or a myth that is part of rewriting history , until his arrest.

           He used to owned a sizeable piece of real estate in the south, which could be the next tourist spot in the world, but that is as far as he could lay claim on.  Well, he still can claim of more than six million sympathizers, so it is said, who were responsible for electing a backyard weed of a dictator years ago. But that remains to be verified anew, given the current political environment.  


        At the time of the police siege, a prominent and loyal, faiftful if you will, no less than the second highest official of the land, gave her best guess, wish or lie, which over came first, that PACQ was in heaven.

        You can argue until you’re blue in the face about PACQ”s claim, you can’t deny his source of inspiration and the effect on this followers or the deceived.  Paul, in his letter to Timothy, made clear that all Scriptures were inspired and, also as important, profitable. You can say without doubt, that PACQ knew whereof he spoke and convinced his hearers of the inspired-nature of his task or vocation, maybe even ambition.

         One Kapampangan marquee businessman once said, not about PACQ but himself, you can’t argue against success.  He once was sought by at least three former presidents for electoral help. Quite honestly, he delivered, one way or the other. One of them is a former townmate  in a land once described as the Vatican of something, not related to religion but  where  vice pays  tribute to virtue.

          So forget the supreme claim of ownership or sovereignty. And the sitting son of a former dictator is not impressed by PACQ’s  claim. He grew up in a similar environment,after all, when some people were said to be smarter -and therefore made richer—than others.  Of course, there was time of reckoning that sent a despised family to   a distant land. The memory, or signs of it, still hurts or haunts .  Thus,the rewriting of history continues, or it’s revisioning. 

          The imposed narrative now is that an ultimate sacrifice paid dearly by embattled leader who gave up himself to spare his flock from potential harm by a regime all-out to get him by hook or by crook. It borrows an inspirational analogy from Scriptures. There is a cavaeat: his own sacrosanct source warned that the devil, described as a fallen angel, can mimic the angel of light that even some really faithful men can be deceived

       The comeback kid of a former dictator isn’t one of them. From now on, his words matter. The appeal by PACQ that he be embedded in the AFP has been refused.  Let him stay where he should as lawbreaker, which means the police has the right job to do keep him. Let the courts do their jobs and justice be upheld.         

        While at this, let PACQ consider the possibility of extradition to the United States where he is a wanted figure.  That is a land not unfamiliar with popular, inspired and profitable religious leaders who have falled by the wayside on account of their success or profitability. In other words, misery will have company, or mercy.

        It is not an if but when.  The government is readying for that eventuality. It is deal,  a real deal, as the current administration is in deep, long-ranged partnership with the US, mainly because of the hegemonic aggression of China in the South China Sea. 

          Unfortunately, the once mighty political pillar that supported PACQ and his kingdom has been weakened, to say the least. The religious kingdom may still thrive and poster without his shepherd, but the other kingdom, which is political may not. Threats remain like the Damocles sword, not only of a possible impeachment of a prominent supporter but a real probe by the International CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) on the issue of crime against humanity.

         The extradition of PACQ will deal a final blow to the political kingdom that gave rise and helped his religious kingdom grow and flourish, reaching an incredible  apotheosis that also gave rise to religious hubris and superstitions that made PACQ invincible. Once upon time, he was believed to have stopped traffic at EDSA, calmed the tremors in Mindanao and shut down a well-known television network for good.

         His perceived power is now in doubt and his future uncertain or blurred like his mugged police photos  vaguely  or grudgingly acknowledging his certain status  as a  once powerful  religious leader now in captivity an awaiting trial here and possibly, in the US.



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