Home Headlines SM in CL joins 1st quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake and Evacuation Drill

SM in CL joins 1st quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake and Evacuation Drill

A mock injury being rescued during the quake drill at SM City Tarlac

SM malls in Central Luzon joined the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED), a quarterly National Distaste Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)-led activity that seeks to educate public on disaster preparedness against earthquakes and to showcase government capability on disaster response. 

SM City Telabastagan joined the National Simultaneous Eartquake and Evacuation Drill (NSED)
SM City Cabanatuan and SM Megacenter Cabanatuan with City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO), Bureau of Fire (BFP), Barangay Leaders evaluated by Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

With the summer season coming up, malls SM City Pampanga, SM City Clark, SM City San Fernando Downtown, SM Telabastagan, Savemore Market Apalit, SM City Tarlac, SM City Olongapo Central, SM City Olongapo Downtown, SM City Cabanatuan and SM Megacenter Cabanatuan held simulations on earthquake and evacuation participated by customers, employees, agencies, affiliates, tenants and staff on its continuous promotion in providing education and awareness to its front liners and partners on these natural and/or man-made catastrophe through conducting regular seminars on safety and evacuation. 

SM City Cabanatuan and SM Megacenter Cabanatuan with City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO), Bureau of Fire (BFP), Barangay Leaders evaluated by Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Photo 5 – SM City Clark Marshals assisting Persons with Disability (PWD) tenants during the NSED
SM City Olongapo Central employees tenants agencies and affiliates performed the “Duck, Cover and Hold” in their respective areas following the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake and Evacuation Drill
SM City Olongapo Downtown employees, tenants, agencies and affiliates performed the “Duck, Cover and Hold” in their respective areas following the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake and Evacuation Drill

Over 2,500 participants including customers, tenants/affiliates, BPO and SM employees and agencies participated in the simultaneous drills. The activity was fully supported by each areas local government partners with presence from Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Disaster Risk Reduction Management Offices of each cities who have been training and in close coordination on earthquake and fire simulations in SM malls in Central Luzon.

SM City Pampanga employees, affiliates and agencies with friendly forces from Bureau of Fire (BFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), and Pampanga Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (PDRRMO) poses for a photo-op after a successful simulation drill
Ace Hardware employee in SM Pampanga performs the “Duck, Cover and Hold” under his desk

Mall Manager Aaron Montenegro spearheads the simulation drill at SM City Pampanga. “SM continues to promote in providing education and awareness to its front liners, partners and most importantly to our customers in times when earthquakes strike by conducting regular trainings on safety which is a top priority,” said Montenegro. On March 13, a Fire Drill will be held at in all SM malls in Central Luzon through a simulation to educate, prepare on what to expect and how to respond during these calamitous times.

SM Pampanga Fire Fighting Team exhausts fire simulations at the top building
The earthquake drill showcased simulation on proper handling of an injured person



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