Home Headlines Ready to Go Out with Sinutab

Ready to Go Out with Sinutab


November – Evidently, social gatherings we have loved and enjoyed pre-pandemic are back, from international and local concert acts to weekend parties and family gatherings. However, it is still crucial that we stay safe, especially when we go meet up with family, friends, and colleagues, by loading up on vitamins, and sanitizing our hands, and carrying our care essentials. It is important to always be prepared should we fall ill with this season’s usual ailments like a head cold, by carrying our trusted go-to medicine, Sinutab, that will keep us standing strong. Nobody wants to miss out on enjoying all this season’s festivities just because of the dreaded Sipong Baraulo (sipon, baradong ilong, sakit ng ulo) or Head Cold.

To provide comfort in such situations, Sinutab is offering the relief we all need. With 2 variants available, Sinutab Cold Plus which contains 3 active ingredients: Phenylephrine HCl, Chlorpheniramine maleate, and Paracetamol; and Sinutab Cold – a no-drowse variant – both of which can treat the symptoms of a head cold with ease.

“As we are now in celebration mode, we want to help Filipinos truly enjoy the festive season. With Sinutab, every Filipino can be free of headaches and a blocked nose, or what we call Sipong Baraulo. Nothing will stop us from having fun as Sinutab has Triple Power Formula that can give you lasting relief for up to 6 hours.” says Chili Perez, Self-Care senior brand manager for Johnson & Johnson Philippines.

While our social agendas comes to a halt because of things beyond our control, –which is something that happens to the best of us, worry not, Sinutab is here to help you!

You can treat your Head Cold with Sinutab Cold Plus with Triple Power Formula & Sinutab Cold, a no-drowse variant, available in leading drugstores nationwide. Shop online via Shopee and get 10% OFF with a minimum P500 spend using the promo code: JOHNOTCUB or get 10% OFF via Lazada.


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