The Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya) said the US “is the biggest threat to the peaceful resolution with China with whom we have a dispute over West Philippine Sea.”
The group lamented the continuing suff erings of small Filipino fi shers arising from the confl ict with China in the West Philippine Sea.
“These agreements are a threefold blow to the ordinary Filipino civilians who always serve as collateral damage in America’s unjust and absurd war against its own-instigated terrorism. With the US military in the country, we will always be the ground zero of state enemies of the Americans,” Fernando Hicap, Pamalakaya chairperson said in a statement.
Hicap said Chinese aggression in the West Philippine Sea is in reaction to US military presence in the region.
“Beijing increases its military presence in the disputed sea because they are threatened with the U.S. military presence in the region. Instead of having a peaceful conclusion with China through diplomatic and bilateral talks, White House continues to interfere, making the situation even worse,” he said.
“We welcome Pres. Duterte’s anti-imperialist stance but such thing should not remain a posture, he should completely cut all the one-sided economic and military ties with the US and pursue a genuine independent Philippine foreign policy that will truly uphold and protect our national sovereignty and national interest,” Hicap also said.