THE SLEEP WELLNESS RANGE. Get sleep back in sync with The Body Shop’s new sleep routine, clinically proven by the European Sleep Center to help your rise more energised. Includes the Sleep Relaxing Hair and Body Wash, Sleep Balmy Body Cream, Sleep Calming Pillow Mist and Sleep Essential Oil.

From stress-induced insomnia, to a self-love crisis, the last couple of years have deepened wellbeing challenges for millions of people.

More than ever, people are looking for wellness practices that help them unwind and cope with the pressures of life as well as give them that boost to take on the day ahead.

Combining 46 years of expertise in beauty rituals with a core activist philosophy that beauty must nurture the human spirit, The Body Shop brings you its newest wellness range. For The Body Shop, wellness is so much more than a beauty trend, it’s about helping people recharge, reconnect, and reenergise so they’re ready to take on the world.

The wellness range is sourced in nature, developed by experts, with three transformative
routines: Sleep, Boost and Breathe. Vegan certified, it is infused with powerful essential oils, carefully crafted into three new unique blends and tailored to vital needs. The sensorial textures elevate daily rituals and come in highly sustainable packaging, using premium glass and aluminium materials.

The Sleep Calming Pillow Mist is enriched with 100% natural and biodegradable lavender and vetiver essential oils, and clinically proven to help you sleep better.

SLEEP: Sleep Better, Wake Stronger. The pandemic and repeated lockdowns have had a catastrophic effect on our ability to regulate sleep, with routines thrown out the window and increasing stress, impacting our ability to reenergise.

The Body Shop introduces a new aromatic, fragrantly floral Sleep range with highly sensorial textures and a comforting & relaxing scent. Enriched with 100% natural and biodegradable lavender and vetiver essential oils clinically proven to help you sleep better, the range includes the Sleep Hair and Body Wash, Sleep Balmy Body Cream, Sleep Calming Pillow Mist and Sleep Essential Oil.

Uplift your mind and body and radiate good vibes with The Body Shop’s Boost Wellness Range: the Boost Uplifting Hair & Body Wash, Bouncy Boost Whipped Body Cream, Boost Hair and Body Oil and Boost Essential Oil.

BOOST: Uplift Mind & Body. Radiate Good Vibes. Energise your mind and get ready to take on the world with The Body Shop’s Boost range. This blend brings some flavour to life thanks to this sunny and citrusy scent, rounded off with a cheerful, floral note. Known for their potent properties to help reenergise the body, mandarin & bergamot scents are mostly found on the shores of Calabria, crafted by traditional Italian producers who never let a drop go to waste.

Bring positive energy and good vibes to your day with Boost 4-step routine using Boost Uplifting Hair & Body Wash, Bouncy Boost Whipped Body Cream, Hair and Body Oil and Essential Oil.

Reconnect and find you calm with The Body Shop’s Breathe Wellness Range enriched with 100% natural and biodegradable eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils. Range includes Breathe Whisked Body Polish, Breathe Weightless Body Gel Cream, Breathe Essential Oil Blend and Breathe Calm Balm.

BREATHE: Reconnect and find your calm. Clear your busy mind with The Body Shop’s Breathe routine. It is enriched with 100% natural and biodegradable eucalyptus from plantations in China’s Yunnan province that support smallholder producers and organic rosemary from a family owned cultivator in Spain.

Tune into some inner calm and discover weightless textures with the Breathe Whisked Body Polish, Breathe Weightless Body Gel Cream, Breathe Essential Oil Blend and Breathe Calm Balm.

The new Wellness Range: Sleep, Boost, and Breathe are available at The Body Shop stores and on its online store www.thebodyshop.com.ph


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