Home Headlines Flash flood hits market, población area

Flash flood hits market, población area

Local risk reduction officer Joyce Ruanto. Photo by Ernie Esconde

SAMAL, Bataan – A flash flood that lasted for almost five hours hit the población
area of this town Thursday morning.

Joyce Ruanto, Samal local disaster risk reduction management assistant, said the
flash flood affected the Samal Public Market, town plaza, and portions adjacent to
the river of Barangay East Daang Bago.

Ruanto said the height of the flood was mostly ankle-deep and transactions at the
public market and the municipal offices went on as usual.

She said that the flood caused by high tide started at 6 in the morning and
subsided about 11 of the same morning.

Ruanto said the national highway and even the road going to the market were all

She said that flash flood will again hit the area at 1 in the afternoon until Sunday
when the waters brought by the tide are extremely high. “Basta malaki ang tubig
na dulot ng high tide, magkakaroon ng flash flood.”


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