I heard the antichrist last Sunday


    Private revelations are outside the deposit of faith necessary for salvation, but saints and other holy people assert, quite rightly, that they are meant to benefit us.

    We can go to Heaven without ever believing in the Blessed Mother’s messages in the Church-approved apparitions in Fatima, or in the famous yet still unapproved apparitions in Medjugorje, or in the sensational warnings she had conveyed in Akita, Japan. But it is better to give the messages consideration, for anything that comes from the Mother of God can’t be evil.

    For this column, thus, I share messages conveyed allegedly by either the Blessed Mother or Jesus Christ to mystic Luz de Maria, who had opted to remain mostly unknown. Because her mystic experiences still have to get official ecclesiastical nod, the option for belief is left entirely to the discretion of the reader, although some people in the Catholic world give her some credence.

    I chose Luz de Maria for this space because of the apparent relevance of the messages she has been ben receiving specifically about the antichrist. Last Sept. 29, the Blessed Mother reportedly told Luz: “How is it that My Son’s People do not recognize a tentacle of the antichrist?

    They do not recognize it because they are not informed about these events, because they do not delve into the knowledge that they get. Prepare yourselves by knowing the information that you receive and you will find that satan is behind it, you will find the imprint of the antichrist behind it all.”

    Jesus Himself, allegedly told Luz on Aug. 13, 2012: “The antichrist has risen, he has extended his tentacles at the ringing of the bell, he has straightened up and has gained strength” and on Aug. 7 the following year, Jesus followed this up with the following statement:

    “How many await him without recognizing that his tentacles have possessed all of humanity! They wait for him as a person and already he operates, not silently, but loudly through the powerful who raise his empire.”

    On March 7, 2012, Jesus also allegedly touched on the issue of the antichrist by saying: “The antichrists of modernisms are the ones who have undermined My children’s heart: The antichrist of new technology; the antichrist of television that has inculcated the disrespect for the gift of life; the antichrist of the cinema that has dared even to taunt My sorrowful Passion; the antichrist of undignified fashion; the antichrist that has contaminated food so that My children make their bodies sick without noticing, and so many other antichrists that sing against Me and that sing so that you banish me from your hearts.”

    When I went to Mass last Sunday, I thought I heard the voice of the antichrist during the homily, and he was in the body of a priest who encouraged compassion for the members of the LGBT community and Holy Eucharist for those who had opted for divorce.

    The antichrist, using the priest’s tongue, quoted Pope Francis as having urged compassion for them. Indeed, that would be a Christian, nay, Catholic option for them. But the antichrist, speaking through the man in white, also clearly implied the abolition of the traditional teachings of the church in regard to the misled. By overstressing compassion, he virtually abolished the doctrine of Purgatory and Hell.

    Yes, I heard the antichrist in Mass last Sunday.


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