CDC public affairs offi ce burglarized


    CLARK FREEPORT – Still unidentified persons broke into the office of the Public Affairs Department of the Clark Development Corp. (CDC) over the weekend and carted off valuables reportedly worth some P400,000.

    A source who asked not to be named for lack of authority to disclose information on the incident said the suspects apparently entered the offi ce, which is one of the so-called American-era barnhouses along one side of Clark’s parade grounds, via the front door.

    Inside, they forced themselves into two more rooms, including the office of department manager Sonny Lopez and audio visual room from where they obtained most of their loot. The source said employee Raul Amores reportedly lost P2,000 cash stacked in his desk, but the bigger haul were the newly bought cameras and zoom lens bought just recently by the CDC.

    The burglary was found out when the employees reported to work Monday morning, after a long All Saints’ Day weekend. “The zoom lens alone was reported to have cost P110,000,” the source said.

    Employee Peter Alagos, editor of PEP Magazine, also lost two of his laptops to the burglars. As of press time, probers still had not suspects. The parade grounds area is secured only by one bicycle-riding security guard.


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