The Warning is nearing, nearing


    Still remember the fear and anxiety that ushered in the 21st century?

    Some prepared for the end of the world, others braced for a mere worldwide internet virus, yet others trembled in the face of a host of other prophesied events, all in shades of the Apocalypse. Now, 12 years later, all seem normal.  Or are they?

    The Blessed Virgin Mary told locutionist Fr. Estafano Gobbi (died 2011) that she had “succeeded in postponing the time of chastisement for humanity which has become worse than the time of the flood (of Noah).”

    “The plans of God’s justice can always be changed by the force of His merciful love. Also, when I predict chastisements to you, remember that everything, at any moment, may be changed by the force of your prayer and your reparative penance,” the Blessed Mother also told Fr. Gobbi.

    But watch the news,  observe what’s happening about you: abortions, divorces, pornography, murders, homosexuality, greed, hatred. The list is so long and so real and so close.

    And worsening.  One Medjugorje seer once expressed the view than mankind is headed to perdition, inevitably now.

    Among those who closely follow modern day supernatural events and could be classified as what the Blessed Virgin called “remnants” in the “last times”, there is now  a common belief that the world is nearing the events foretold in recent years in Medjugorje, Garabandal, Akita and Kibeho . 

    The events consist of a warning, a miracle and a chastisement.

    This piece had dwelt on the events before, but more can be said about the first.

    Fr. Gobbi also received  from the Blessed Mother some details about the warning thus: “A new fire will come down from heaven and will purify all humanity which has again become pagan.

    It will be like a judgment in miniature and each one will see himself in the light of the very truth of God.

    Thus, sinners will come back to grace and holiness, the straying to the road of righteousness and those far away to the house of the Father…”

    Another source I could not recall added, however, that scientists would again venture to give their “scientific” explanation of the event and after some time, many would return to their old ways.

    Author Kelly Bowring, in his book The Secrets, Chastisement and Triumph, summarized what was said in various apparitions about the warning.

    He wrote: “It will frighten humanity regardless of where one happens to be at that time…it will be a thousand times worse than earthquakes… like a fire that will not burn our flesh…it will last a very short time, although to us it will seem to be a very long time… no one can prevent it from happening…it will be recognized as coming from God… it will resemble a punishment… it is meant to be a purification… like the revelation of our sins and what we will feel in our hearts will be worse than sorrow.

    It will not kill us; if we die it will be caused by the emotion within us.”

    We know the events are near us because in Garabandal in the 1960’s, the Blessed Mother said the warning would be followed within 12 months by a miracle and that when the miracle happens, a totally blind person named Joey Lomangino would fully regain his eyesight. Joey is now 82 years old.


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