Credentials of incoming CDC president bared

    CLARK FREEPORT – With investors in this freeport clueless on the qualifications of the next head of the state-owned Clark Development Corp. (CDC) named recently by Pres. Aquino, the office of the incoming CDC president and chief executive officer issued yesterday his biographical data.

    The Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) announced earlier that the President had named Felipe Antonio Remollo, 48, as the next head of the CDC which runs this freeport, junking speculations that he would appoint a provincemate from Tarlac.

    Unlike the newly named CDC chairman Cesar Villanueva, Ateneo law dean, who is from Angeles City in this province, Remollo is virtually unknown to leaders and folk in Central Luzon, as he is from far south in Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental.

    Remollo, a member of the Liberal Party, was said to have been backed by former Sen. Mar Roxas for the CDC post. Roxas was the vice presidential running mate of Pres. Aquino in the last 2010 polls.

    Remollo served as mayor of Dumaguete from June 1998 to June 30, 2001.

    During his term, he was twice named as outstanding mayor by the Annual Consumers Awards of the Consumer Union of the Philippines, his bio-data said.

    Remollo’s bio-data also indicated he was born in Dumaguete on Feb. 13, 1961 and studied there. He graduated salutatorian from St. Paul’s College before pursuing high school and college at the Silliman University in the city.

    Remollo graduated magna cum laude from Silliman University in 1981, having taken up Bachelor of Arts, major in history and political science. In 1985, he graduated from a law course with honors from the Ateneo de Manila University.

    From 2001 up to last April 15, he had been senior vice president and legal counsel of Prudential Guarantee and Assurance, Inc. in Legaspi Village in Makati City. He is also a principal and partner at RC Law Practitioners with office at Puyat Ave. also in Makati.


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