Home Headlines SSS advisory on service in CQ areas 

SSS advisory on service in CQ areas 


The Social Security System (SSS) advises its members, pensioners, covered employers, and the transacting public that various servicing guidelines are being implemented in its branches based on the quarantine classification in their respective areas.

For branches under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), the servicing guidelines are as follows:

  • All transactions, except for mandatory online transactions, must be coursed through the no-contact dropbox system.
  • Open for no-contact dropbox system transactions from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.


For branches under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ):

  • All transactions—except for mandatory online transactions—must have a corresponding appointment with the branch or be done through dropbox.
  • Walk-in transactions are limited only to pickup of Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) cards or subsequent educational loan checks; compliance to the Annual Confirmation of Pensioners Program (ACOP) for those with suspended pensions; and payment of contributions and loans.
  • For select branches, the Number Coding System will be implemented forwalk-in transactions.
  • Open for transactions from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


For branches under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) and Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ):

  • All transactions—except for mandatory online transactions—will be accepted over the counter.
  • For selected branches, the Number Coding System will be implemented.
  • Walk-in transactions for branches implementing the Number Coding System are limited to the payment of contributions and loans; compliance to Social Security (SS) number applications filed through the SSS website/SSS Mobile App for those who did not upload their supporting documents online; pickup of UMID card; presentation of supporting documents to support claim application; use of E-Center facilities for those who have no computer or internet at home; and other justifiable reasons.
  • Open for transactions from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


Service hours are subject to change depending on the applicable curfew set by Local Government Units.

Prescribed transaction days of members and employers to branches implementing the Number Coding Systemare based on the 10th digit of their SS or Employer (ER) ID number. These are as follows: Monday for numbers 1 and 2; Tuesday for 3 and 4;Wednesday for 5 and 6; Thursday for 7 and 8; and Friday for 9 and 0.

For Funeral or Death Benefit Claim applications, the basis for the prescribed transaction day will be the 10th digit of the SS ID number of the deceased SSS member. However, if the prescribed transaction day falls on a holiday, the member, claimant, or employer may transact with the SSS on the next working day. In case of system downtime, the SSS will set an appointment with those who were in line, or they may wait until the system is once again operational.

The SSS solicits its stakeholders’ cooperation and understanding to the said measures, which are aligned with IATF’s Omnibus Guidelines and resolutions. These measures aim to ensure the continuous delivery of SSS services and the safety of the transacting public and its employees amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Information about SSS online services can be accessed at http://bit.ly/expreSSS.

For more information, follow the SSS on Facebook and YouTube at “Philippine Social Security System,” Instagram at “mysssph,” Twitter at “PHLSSS,” or join its Viber Community at “MYSSSPH Updates.”


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