CDC to award outstanding investors

    CLARK FREEPORT – The Clark Development Corporation (CDC) is launching its first Clark Freeport Choice Awards (CFCA) for investors found outstanding in employment and human resource performance, investment and export performance, and environmental, health and safety management.

    CDC President-CEO Benigno Ricafort announced this yesterday, saying the CFCA will “recognize the valuable economic and social, development contributions as well as the notable business and people management practices and successes of Clark Freeport locators.”

    Ricafort said that apart from the three awards categories, the CDC will also bestow on a deserving investor firm the title of “Business Partner of the Year.”

    “The awards program is aimed at recognizing distinct enterprises inside the Clark Freeport which have objectively displayed management and leadership excellence in relevant areas or categories consistent and supportive of CDC’s vision and mission for Clark,” Ricafort said.

    “The program also intends to encourage Clark investors to pursue such areas of excellence while serving as models of best practices for developing enterprises,” he added.

    Ricafort said the award for outstanding employment and human resource will consider “exceptional achievement in the generation of quality employment and human resources and industrial relations”.

    Awards for investment performance and export performance will go to the top investors and exporters, while the award for environmental, health and safety management will consider “consistent achievement in environmental compliance and exceptional initiatives in health and safety management,” he added.

    “The Business Partner of the Year award will be given to a Clark firm that is recognized as the largest contributor to CDC revenues,” Ricafort also said.

    Ricafort said more than 50 locators and investors were found eligible for nomination. The awarding rites have been tentatively set at the end of April.


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